If  you have been looking for a drama, terror and humanitarian movie Schlinder's list, is what you've been waiting for.
This film directed by Steven Spielberg and it takes place in Germany, (Auschwitz) in a contration camp. The main characters are Liam Neeson (Oskar Schindler), Benkingsley (Itzhak Stern) and Ralph Fiennes
(Amon Goeth). 

This film starts with Oskar Schilinder. He is a vain and greedy German businessman. Oskar employs in his factory Jews. These Jews work in a concentration camp. The Jews were refugees and slaves in concentration camps. This story is based on a true life. It is really amazaing the life that these Jews have in camp. 
On the one hand, there are recording to the mistakes in a film. For a example, there are a plot that is see the camare in back to a one character. 

I highly recommed this film because it is most important to see real life after years. And if you see the film, and you wamt see more, you have sequels before seeing this film! Not miss this film!


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