
Mostrando entradas de 2020


SCHLINDER'S LIST If  you have been looking for a drama, terror and humanitarian movie Schlinder's list, is what you've been waiting for. This film directed by Steven Spielberg and it takes place in Germany, (Auschwitz) in a contration camp. The main characters are Liam Neeson (Oskar Schindler), Benkingsley (Itzhak Stern) and Ralph Fiennes (Amon Goeth).  This film starts with Oskar Schilinder. He is a vain and greedy German businessman. Oskar employs in his factory Jews. These Jews work in a concentration camp. The Jews were refugees and slaves in concentration camps. This story is based on a true life. It is really amazaing the life that these Jews have in camp.  On the one hand, there are recording to the mistakes in a film. For a example, there are a plot that is see the camare in back to a one character.  I highly recommed this film because it is most important to see real life after years. And if you see the film, and you wamt see more, you have